New Release

The Yellow Tape: Soul-A-Rise

Mic Lavar

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The 4th installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Yellow Tape serves as a metaphor to your Solar Plexus Chakra. This tape is designed with the feeling of personal success and shinning as bright as you can without ever dimming your own light. (Hence the cover art is bright yellow and the image is intentionally blurry) Higher vibration music

The 4th installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Yellow Tape serves as a metaphor to your Solar Plexus Chakra. This tape is designed with the feeling of personal success and shinning as bright as you can without ever dimming your own light. (Hence the cover art is bright yellow and the image is intentionally blurry) Higher vibration music about knowledge of and acceptance of one’s self. It is the color of the sunshine which is always bright. Manipura Chakra is the Sanskrit word for this type of chakra. It means the jewels city. The chakra is the primary source of personal power associated with the professional success or the individual’s real life success. The yellow colors of Solar Plexus Chakra are usually associated with the charge, sun, bright fire, and high volumes of energy. These elements are essential to our body. They bring a sense of confidence in the body. Additionally, Solar Plexus Chakra enables human beings to feel cheerful, energetic and encouraged. It is also associated with producing effects of warming, joy, intellect and stimulating the mental activity of the body. There is a connection between this category of chakra and the sense of sight. Adrenal glands in the body are the organs associated with the Manipura Chakra. The chakra occupies the region from the breastbone to the navel.

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The Colored Tapes Series

The Orange Tape: Vows

Mic Lavar

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The 3rd installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Orange Tape serves as a metaphor to your sacral chakra. It is also a straightforward love/hate project dedicated to hip hop as well as some true events in my own life and how I feel about them both.

The right Sanskrit word for this category of chakra is popularly known as the Swadhisthana

The 3rd installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Orange Tape serves as a metaphor to your sacral chakra. It is also a straightforward love/hate project dedicated to hip hop as well as some true events in my own life and how I feel about them both.

The right Sanskrit word for this category of chakra is popularly known as the Swadhisthana chakra. The appropriate color associated with this type is the orange color. A good relation of the sacral chakra to the human body is the water element. The impact of the orange color in the body’s emotions is related to sexuality, creativity, desire, the reproductive system, compassion and many others.

There is a vital connection between the Sacral Chakra and the sense of taste of the body. The female reproductive organs, the bladder, lymphatic system, and the pelvic glands are some of the major glands impacted by the Swadhisthana chakra.

Mostly, people associate the orange color with enthusiasm, happiness, attraction and joy. You can find the chakra at the pubic bone, a place below the navel. Therefore, it is the sexual center and the primary source of creativity

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The Red Tape: Roots

Mic Lavar

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The 2nd installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Red Tape serves as a metaphor to your Root Chakra. Lower vibration music designed on a higher vibration to give you the energy and feeling of being 100% human.

The red color which is the densest color in this category. It is crucial and found at the coccyx, which is the base of the spine. The

The 2nd installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Red Tape serves as a metaphor to your Root Chakra. Lower vibration music designed on a higher vibration to give you the energy and feeling of being 100% human.

The red color which is the densest color in this category. It is crucial and found at the coccyx, which is the base of the spine. The root chakra defines the human’s relation to the earth. It brings a tremendous impact on our survival, vitality and also the passion.

The survival issues connected here to this color may include things like money, the financial independence and basic things like food. Therefore, it represents the human beings foundation and the crucial feelings in life, of being grounded. Other people associate the root chakra with courage, power, strength, love, war and desire. Unlike the other colors, red signifies danger because it attracts more attention due to its intensity. It indicates our requirement for logic, physical strength, and orderliness. Mostly, when you are in danger, it arouses the flight response. Additionally, the smelling sense of the human bodies has a great connection with the Muladhara Chakra. There is a gland known as Gonads attached to the root chakra.

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The Black Tape: Chake Test

Mic Lavar

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The 1st installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Black Tape serves as a metaphor to your Great Beginning. A mix of Higher and Lower vibration music designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of needing both sides.

Black is a color that represents the mysteries of the universe. On the bright side, it symbolizes stability,

The 1st installment in the “Colored Tapes” series, The Black Tape serves as a metaphor to your Great Beginning. A mix of Higher and Lower vibration music designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of needing both sides.

Black is a color that represents the mysteries of the universe. On the bright side, it symbolizes stability, formality, support, strength, survival, and a state of being grounded. Black energy implies that thoughts can be deceiving. Its presence helps you become aware of the lies and illusions inside your head. In turn, this realization will guide you back to your true spiritual path.

The black chakra works by eradicating excess energy that is not needed in your life. It also protects you from the negative energies that impede progress.

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